ChaseFloydInc Science

Floyardee Studios


For those of you who've traveled to this website directly from CFI's YouTube Channel, you may be wondering what on Earth I do to earn a living. Well, I am proud to say that I am a Science Teacher! I could go on and on about how much I love Science and sharing it with others, but that is a story for another day/website (see the link below to go to Mr. Floyd's teaching website!) Any who, it is my students that I have to thank for CFI's continued existence and rebirth along with the creation of the sixth genre; SCIENCE! Operating under the "Floyardee Studios" subdivision, the Science genre is quite new and while it only contains a few videos relating to "The Cell Saga" and "Pokémon Floyd" it is definitely filled with A LOT of POTENTIAL ENERGY!

Sample Videos

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Click here to go to the ChaseFloydInc Science Playlist!

Click here to go to Mr. Floyd's Teaching Website!